About Us
Who We Are
Explore Credit is an entity of the Wakpamni Lake Community Corporation (WLCC). We are a fully-automated financial lending company that provides customers with an incredibly easy online loan application process. We offer excellent customer service and simple interest rates with no hidden fees and pride ourselves in approving customers when others don’t.
About Wakpamni Lake Community Corporation (WLCC) Services
Explore Credit is an entity of the Wakpamni Lake Community Corporation (WLCC), a tribal corporation wholly owned by the Wakpamni Lake Community. The Wakpamni Lake Community is a local government under the Oglala Sioux Tribe. WLCC is incorporated under and governed by the laws of the Oglala Sioux Tribe, a federally recognized Indian Tribe, and the regulations of the Wakpamni Lake Community. WLCC is wholly owned by the Wakpamni Lake Community local tribal government, and it operates independently of the Oglala Sioux Tribe. Correspondence should be directed to WLCC.
View our Explore Credit Consumer Loan License here: explorecredit.com/Consumer-Loan-License

Want to get in Touch?
Have questions or concerns? Call (844) 355-5626 or email us at [email protected]. Or visit our Contact Us page for other ways to get in touch.